Thursday, October 21, 2010


Hi my name is Tammy!  So since this is my first attempt at blogging I will give you a little bio on myself and let you know what I am all about.  

I have been married to the love of my life for 13 years. (by the way I am not going to tell you that everything is perfect because we all know there is no such thing as perfect)
I have 4 wonderful children
Cody is 18 (mine from a previous relationship)
Donovan is 12
Ian is 8
and Kylie is 5.
The kids make me a busy person alone, but they are just the beginning.  My husband is a nurse, and a musician, so his schedule can be kind of crazy.  Now a little about me besides being a wife and mother, I am also a college student working on my second Bachelors degree.  I am an Independent Consultant for a direct sales company (my fun job), I also work 3 days a week from home doing bookkeeping for a beauty salon.  I am currently looking for work as well.  I am not sure where this blogging will lead but I think for now it is my therapy and a way for me to help other people.   I have learned to be very frugal over the years.  I also hope to be able to get other peoples ideas on money saving tips.  I may be guarded at first but hopefully this will help me to open up and to be able to use this tool to help me grow personally.